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Xoloitzcuintli is a unique ancient breed that is starting to catch the eye of many dog fanciers.  In general as a breed they are highly intelligent, but likewise aloof almost “primal” in their behavior.  A prospective home should make certain this is the breed for them before acquiring one.  The following FAQ’s may help you in further determining if the Xoloitzcuintli is right for you.  

Is a Xoloitzcuintli easy to train?  

This breed is highly intelligent, but it is likewise independent and not known for its cooperative skills.  Although it can form a very strong bond with its owner, it is not known for a high level of train ability.  A Xolo does best with a positive reinforcement based method of training, but due to their intelligence an owner has to be extra careful to not allow their Xolo to set the rules.  They also need a high level of social acclimation in order to develop into a sound minded companion.  They are prone to fearfulness, flightiness, and known for being a little bit stubborn.  But if an owner teaches cooperation through reinforcement at a young age they can be a lot of fun to work with.  

Are they good with other animals?  

This breed has a very high prey instinct, making it prone to chasing birds and small critters.  This combined with its independence can create some issues when living with other animals.  However if raised around other animals at a young age, they should learn proper manners around them.  


Are Xoloitzcuintli good with kids/Good family dogs? 

This is a breed that develops a strong attachment with its owner or family and that can make it a fantastic family companion.  However it is also very aloof with strangers, which can create issues in a home with frequent guests. If you need a social Xolo, please contact us to discuss further. This is a breed that must have the proper socialization and social acclimation at a very young age in order to do well accepting others.  


How much exercise does a Xoloitzcuintli need?  

This is a higher energy breed, but the level of exercise will vary based on the size and the individual dog.  Some are very active inside of the home, some prefer to curl up on the couch all day.  All will require at least one hour of exercise on a daily basis, which can generally be broken into two or three sessions.  Adding whats commonly called “enrichment” activities can also help keep a Xolo entertained and well exercised.  


What kind of grooming does a Xoloitzcuintli need? 

Xolo’s come in two types; coated and not coated aka naked.  The coated typically have a short smooth coat, that sheds a little bit here and there.  Its easy to brush and frequent brushing will help keep shedding under control.  A Naked Xolo will not shed, as the only hair it has is on its head and the tip of its tail (and possibly on the feet).  However their coat is prone to getting scratched if they run and play with other dogs, and the skin can be prone to dryness depending on your environment and the dogs diet.  A naked Xolo also should be out in the sun at least 10-20 min to help encourage a tan.  In general they may need a little coat conditioner if their skin is dry, but they do not need a ton of skin care.  


Is a Xoloitzcuintli a healthy breed/how long do they generally live? 

A Xolo is a relatively healthy breed without the barrage of health issues assigned to other breeds.  Xolos also tend to be long lived, living well into their teens.  


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